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Institute review


The manuscripts of scientific, technical and manufacture articles, which the editorial staff receive, undergo the institute review.

1. Firstly, the manuscript of the article is taken into consideration by the editor-in-chief in order to define, whether it corresponds to the subject matter of the journal, in order to study the covering documents and appoint a reviewer. A reviewer is a leading specialist (who has a scientific doctor's degree) in the appropriate area of the article in question from those who are the members of the journal’s editorial council. During the period of 7 days the editor-in-chief informs the author about the reception of their article and its further review. If the manuscript of the article either does not correspond to the subject of the journal or if the covering documents are not presented, the author is notified about the refusal to consider the article for publication in the journal.

2. A necessary condition for the article to be published is its accordance with the requirements of the journal and a positive review of the appointed reviewer. The article review is examined at the editorial staff’s meeting and is asserted by its approval. The terms of reviewing are established in each particular case by the editor-in-chief with the view of articles earliest possible publication.

3. In the article review the reviewer fulfills the parametric assessment (from 0 to 5) and provides the necessary comments on such criteria as scientific novelty, scientific validity of results, their significance, logics and clarity of statement, article’s layout. Some additional remarks, suggestions and general arguments concerning the article are also provided. If it is necessary, the author is suggested on improving the article. The conclusion of the review can be one of the following: "It is insistently recommended for publication", "it is recommended for publication", "it is recommended for the publication conditionally" (the conditional recommendation means that the article can be accepted for the publication only after the corresponding author’s finalization), "it is not recommended for the publication". The reviews are certified in the order accepted at the establishment where the reviewer works.

4. If the reviewer makes essential remarks and offers on the improvement and correction of the manuscript of the article, the review goes to the author. The finalized version of the article comes back to the reviewer for decision-making and preparation of the reasoned conclusion about publication possibility. The decision about the publication of the corrected version or about its direction for additional reviewing is accepted by the editorial council. After the editorial council’s decision to publish the article the editor-in-chief informs the author about that and specifies publication terms.

5. The editorial council of the journal can send the manuscript for an additional or new review to another expert. The editorial council also makes the decision about the necessity or absence of necessity in scientific editing of the manuscript.

6. If the first reviewer refuses the right to publish the article, their reasoned conclusion is considered by editorial council which, in its turn, either approves refusal about the publication in the journal, or directs the article manuscript on a second independent reviewing. In case of refusal the editor-in-chief directs the reasoned denial to the author.

7. The article adopted for the publication goes on to editing and page proof. The model of the article will be coordinated with the author to correct the mistakes made during the make-up. The responsibility for violation of copyright and non-compliance with operating standards in materials of the article are assigned to the author of the article. The author and the reviewer are responsible for reliability of the facts and data given in the article, validity of the made conclusions and the article’s scientific and technical level.

8. The original of the article review alongside with the manuscript of the article and the accompanying documents are stored in editorial office of the journal.




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