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Marenich Konstantin Nikolaevich – Rector, Head of the Department “Mining Electrotechnics and Automation named after R. M. Leybov”, Donetsk National Technical University, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor.

Born March 10, 1958, in Donetsk.

1980 – graduated from Donetsk Polytechnic Institute (now DonNTU), specialty “Electrification and Automation of Underground Mining”.

From 1980 to 1990 worked at the research part of the Department “Mining Electrotechnics and Automation” of Donetsk Polytechnic Institute as an engineer, junior researcher (responsible executor of research works on creation of thyristor electric drives for mining conveyors).

1990 – Teaching Assistant, 1992 – Associate Professor, 1999 – Head of the Department “Mining Electrotechnics and Automation”.

2014 –Pro-rector on scientific work, from February 2016 to June 2016 – acting Rector of Donetsk National Technical University, since July 2016 – Rector of DonNTU.

Academic degrees and titles:
– Candidate of Engineering Sciences (1991),
– Associate Professor (1994),
– Professor (2013),
– Doctor of Engineering Sciences (2014).

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Engineering Sciences: “Asynchronous electric drive for underground scraper conveyor with thyristor start-protective device" (specialty 05.09.03 “Electrotechnical complexes and systems, including their management and control”).

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Engineering Sciences “Development of the theory and principles of protective de-energization of modern mine electrotechnical complexes” (specialty 05.09.03 “Electrotechnical complexes and systems”).

The author of over 190 scientific and educational-methodical publications, including 1 textbook, 4 manuals, 7 monographs, 37 inventions, 10 utility models.

Theorized parameters, developed schematics and performed industrial approbation (at the level of experimental samples) of AПM-1 thyristor unit for start control of electric drive of mining machines, the first Soviet production of the power thyristor unit for mine usage, implementing a programme start-up and braking of the asynchronous electric drive of medium power (joint development of DonNTU and the Institute “Avtomatgormash” (Donetsk), produced by Makeyevka plant of mine automatics).

The co-author of the development of normative-technical document “Technical requirements for mine explosion-proof electrical equipment with power semiconductor devices with voltage up to 1140 V”.

From 1990 to 2014 lead the development, production, technical maintenance support of electrical power special purpose, automation systems for complex electro-mechanical objects of energy-intensive industries for a number of companies in different industries.

K.N. Marenich directs the research in improving the efficiency and safety of operation of electrical systems for mining sites. Under the guidance of K.N. Marenich, 4 theses for the degree of Candidate of Engineering Sciences have been prepared and defended.




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