Information for authors
Articles format requirements
1. The article itself, the text alongside with drafts and other non-text elements must consist of 5...10 full pages of A4 format (210х297 mm) with 20 mm margins from each side. The manuscript of the article needs to be made with the help of the MS Word editor. Font is Times New Roman, 12 pt, style is ordinary. Line and paragraph spacing is single. Hyphenation is automatic. Alignment is done according to the page width, without page numbers.
2. The article structure (each element from a new line): UDC code; authors’ initials and family names, the scientific degree of the authors; name of the organization, the city, the country where the authors work; the title, the summary (no more than 300 symbols), keywords (from 3 to 5) and the article’s body; conclusions; the list of references.
If an author already registered oneself in the system Science Index and has the personal identification number of author (SPIN-code), then necessarily specify this code. Thus you will accelerate correct comparison of the article and author on a web-site "The Scientific e-library"( Reference for registration in the system Science Index - info.asp
UDC code can be defined independently by means of classifier, for example, Checking correctness of decoding of well-known UDC code is possible here -
Problem that is decided in the article definition is briefly expounded in an annotation, and the got basic results over are brought. Reduction of words in text of annotation and article, pictures and tables is shut out.
The summary in English, according to "Content Selection and Advisory Board – CSAB", should represent a resume, urged to carry out the function of an independent of the article source of information. The resume has to be informative (not to contain general words), original (not to be a copy-cat summary from other languages), substantial (to reflect the main contents of the article and the results of research), structured (to follow logical description of results in the article), compact, but not short (from 250 to 300 words). This is a typical structure of the summary: Background; Materials and/or methods; Results; Conclusion.
NB! We do ask you not to separate the text into columns as it complicates editorial processing of the article!
3. The obligatory condition is availability of graphic materials in the article (figures, schedules, schemes, photos), not less than 80х80 mm in size, in the *.tif or *.jpg format, with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi. The graphic material in the way of introduced objects is placed in the text after the first mentioning. All those positions, which are designated in figures, have to be explained in the text. Under each figure its serial number and the name is specified (align is in the page center, no full stop at the end). Figures should have one interval (an empty line) from above and from below.
NB! It is forbidden to introduce graphic materials in the form of the objects connected with other programs, for example, with COMPASS, MS Excel, etc. The drawings, which are done directly in MS Word, are not supposed to be accepted.
4. Formulas, mathematical signs and symbols, exponents and indices must be written with the help of formula editor MS Equation Editor 3.0 according to the following sizes: ordinary – 11 pt; large index – 7 pt; small index – 5 pt; large symbol – 13 pt; small symbol – 8 pt.
All the values from the formulas have to be explained in the text. The formulas should have one interval (an empty line) from above and from below. The formulas are carried out in italics, except figures and symbols of the Greek alphabet
NB! It is not allowed to write formulas by means of Mathcad or other similar programs.
5. The tables should have the name and the serial number (align is in the page center, without a full stop at the end) and be placed in the text after the first mentioning. The tables should have one interval (an empty line) from above and from below.
6. The obligatory condition is the list of references in the article, which is provided after conclusions one interval (an empty line) lower. The list of references should be composed according to its recurrence in the text. Literature references are enclosed in square parenthesis. The list of references should comprise no less than 3 publications over the last 5 years, as well as no less than 3 publications from foreign sources.
The list of the literature used in the article, according to "Content Selection and Advisory Board – CSAB" requirements, should be presented by the Roman alphabet in the form of a separate element of the article under the heading References. It should repeat the list of references in the original language. Here are the rules and examples of references in the Roman alphabet.
Articles publication
To make a decision about the publication of the article in the journal, it is necessary to send the following items for the editing staff:
– a covering letter (with the notification that this article was not published before) from the organization where the authors work and the information about them;
– a copy of the article printed out on white paper with high quality of the press, signed by all the authors;
– an electronic version of the article (the name of the file is formed from authors’ family names, for example, IvanovPetrov.doc) and the information about authors (a file name – sved.doc).
In order to issue another journal as soon as possible, we ask you to send the electronic version of the article and the information about authors by e-mail to the address: In this case the covering letter is transferred in the best convenient for the authors way (by post, by a courier or personally).
NB! We do ask you to check whether the editing staff received the material.
NB! The articles being already reviewed are published in the chronological order of their arrival to the journal.
NB! The editing staff reserves the right to return the article to the authors for revision in the following cases: the article does not have a proper format or does not comply with the requirements specified above, the article needs completing in accordance with the reviewers and editors’ comments or there is no covering letter from the organization where the authors work.